Wells Fargo: Modern Day Crooks

    Ever wonder why big companies or big banks get away with the shady stuff and no one gets prosecuted or even put in jail?  Is it that the power executives have the money and are able to buy their way out of trouble?  Shady banking, big bankers and CEO’s give way to classic … Read moreWells Fargo: Modern Day Crooks

Greed of Wall Street

Written by R. Jibus Follow RJ on Twitter @Rominger007 By now everyone should know Wall Street hunger for making money is at all cost.  It’s pure greed to for Wall Street to want to make money in any way possible and it has made the majority of the American people sick to their stomach. Everyone knows … Read moreGreed of Wall Street

ZTV Sn1 Ep3 “Zombie Summer”

ZombieTV only on Grafik Culture Network Sn1 Ep3 “Zombie Summer” NOTE : offensive visual and audio content…. Not for the faint of heart Grafik Culture Network presents ZombieTV, a talk show to take back media broadcast with real people discussing real issues on a platform built by the people for the people. ZombieTV is a … Read moreZTV Sn1 Ep3 “Zombie Summer”

ZombieTV Sn1 Ep2 “May Day – May Day”

ZombieTV only on Grafik Culture Network Sn1 Ep2 “May Day – May Day” NOTE : offensive visual and audio content…. Not for the faint of heart Grafik Culture Network presents a talk show to take back media broadcast with real people discussing real issues on a platform built by the people for the people. Today … Read moreZombieTV Sn1 Ep2 “May Day – May Day”


CiTV and Grafik Culture presents ZombieTV Watch Zombie TV Today April 1st  Available at noon EST Hosted by 8offNapo w/ special guest King Swishah   Reach out  @8offZombie       @NCK_Swishah              

Conspiracy Theory #1 FALSE FLAG

Opinion Written by Graham Rucker The idea that a government would attack its own country may, to some, seem absolutely absurd. ‘False Flag’ operations by most are often denounced, chopped up and thrown into the bucket of conspiracy theories; although it has been applied in and to many acts of terrorism throughout foreign and domestic … Read moreConspiracy Theory #1 FALSE FLAG


Watching the news or reading any article remotely about the economy and I’m sure you’ll hear about the 1%.  What does that actually mean though?  Yeah, ok it means the really rich guys, right?  Ok, ok, the super-duper, ultra-mega rich guys!  Even still, what does that mean for most Americans? There’s an excellent YouTube video … Read moreTHE REAL SCOOP ON WEALTH INEQUALITY IN THE UNITED STATES

The Perversity of the Political and the Poverty of the Imaginary

Philosopher Thomas Hobbes is famous for his proclamation that, in a state of nature, there subsists a ceaseless “war of all against all”, and that, without a “Sovereign” (representing the figure head holding the renounced natural instincts of all citizens), humans would resort to an unfettered violence to get what they want, and they would … Read moreThe Perversity of the Political and the Poverty of the Imaginary