
Representing marginalized communities by those who are marginalized.

Grafik Media Network is a unique alternative online media broadcast and digital press. We are minority owned and our purpose is to be the representation in media. Our mission is to be a neutral informative site providing true and authentic point of views in news and current events as well as uplifting artistry in the entertainment industry.

Grafik combines original creative content with clear decisive factual, and opinionated reporting, with platform accessibility for established and emerging multi media creators under all spectrum’s of media. By doing this Grafik together as a community, is able to carefully carve out a section of the industry as a reliable alternative media broadcast in mainstream media.

We are the peoples platform. We embrace real freedom of expression, accessibility and facts.

Grafik had a successful soft run in the past but due to lack of resources we decided to go into hibernation. However, we have reconstructed and are relaunching June 1st, 2022. Thank you for being patient with us throughout our transitions.